Our family has felt God calling us out of the comfortable and known, to step faithfully into the unknown. We have had the privilege of serving inside the walls of the local church and now we feel called outside the walls, leading worship & sharing our hearts as a family – with a mission to share the love of Jesus with everyone we meet through full time traveling music ministry.
Our vision is to share the love of God through music. We will provide musical worship for concert events, camps, conferences and we can fill gaps at churches to allow worship teams and pastors to have weekends away to recharge. Our hope is to help churches and organizations share the message of hope through music and share our testimony about God and His love for people. We bring contemporary worship with current songs and some traditional hymns blended in along with original music written by our family. We love the opportunity to share words of hope and salvation along with our music. We plan to travel regionally and nationally as God provides the opportunities and opens doors.

How you Can Help
Become a prayer partner! We would like to ask you to join as a prayer partner.
“Devote yourselves to prayer... And pray for us, too, that God may open a door for our message, so that we may proclaim the mystery of Christ... Pray that I may proclaim it clearly, as I should.” Colossians 4:2-4
We are praying for God to open up opportunities at churches, events, camps and conferences. We are available but not limited to the following:
If you know of an opportunity where we would be a good fit please contact us.
We need financial partners to help support us as we continue our journey of faith to follow God’s call to serve others and spread the gospel. We are a 501(c)(3) nonprofit and your donations are tax deductable.
If you would like to support us financially with a one time gift, or through ongoing monthly support, you can give here or by texting any dollar amount to 84321.